Inheritance disputes can occur even in the most close-knit families, and they often turn what should be a time of healing into a legal and emotional conflict.

Whether it’s disputes over assets, disagreements about wills, or unclear family wishes, inheritance issues are more common than many people realise. These disputes can drag out for years, strain relationships, and deplete financial resources, making a tough situation even harder for those involved.

In this blog, we’ll talk about the typical causes of inheritance disputes and offer advice on how to avoid them. From unclear wills to sibling rivalries, we’ll break down why these conflicts happen and how thoughtful planning can help ensure your legacy is passed on smoothly without unnecessary tension or legal fights.

By understanding the most common reasons behind inheritance disputes, you can take steps to prevent them in your own family.

1. Unclear or Outdated Wills

One of the most common reasons for inheritance disputes is an unclear or outdated will. If your will isn’t written clearly, it can lead to confusion over who gets what, leaving family members to interpret your intentions on their own.

An outdated will can also cause problems, as it might not reflect your updated wishes based on new relationships or changes in your assets. This can result in disputes, especially if someone feels left out or overlooked.

That’s why keeping your will up-to-date and clearly outlining your intentions is essential. This will help you prevent misunderstandings so your family can honour your wishes smoothly.

Need help writing a clear will online? Consult our legal experts today.

2. Lack of Communication and Planning

adult son and senior father talking at kitchen home

Another common cause of inheritance disputes is a lack of communication and planning with regards to your wills. If your family members aren’t informed about your estate plan, it can lead to surprise, confusion, or even disagreements after you pass away.

Misunderstandings can easily occur without having open discussions about your final wishes or how you’d like your assets to be distributed. This is especially true if some family members have different expectations or feel excluded from your decisions.

Communicating your plans clearly and discussing your wishes with loved ones can help prevent conflicts and ensure everyone understands and respects your decisions when the time comes.

3. Perceived Inequities Among Heirs

Perceived inequities among your heirs or other beneficiaries can also result in family disputes over inheritance. When one family member receives more than others, or if certain assets are distributed unevenly, it can create feelings of unfairness and resentment.

Even if your intentions behind these decisions are reasonable, such as providing for a caregiver or honouring specific wishes, it may still lead to conflicts among your heirs. These feelings of inequity can strain relationships and cause disputes.

To avoid this, it’s important to explain the reasoning behind your decisions in your will and, if possible, ensure everyone understands and feels respected in the process.

4. Influence of New Family Members

Caucasian couple sitting on sofa in living room, quarreling over disagreement, man yelling at woman, woman experiencing psychological abuse from her husband. Abuse in family relationships, quarrel

The influence of new family members, such as a new spouse or stepchildren, can spark inheritance disputes. If you remarry or form new family relationships later in life, it can lead to changes in your estate plan that your other heirs may not expect or agree with.

Some family members might feel that these new individuals are unfairly benefiting from or influencing your will. This can create tension, especially if your heirs believe their share has been reduced.

This is where clear communication and thoughtful planning can go a long way. It can help you prevent misunderstandings, ensuring everyone feels included and aware of any changes you make in your will.

5. Executor and Trustee Decisions

Sometimes, the decisions of your will’s executor or trustee can also cause inheritance disputes. The executor or trustee is responsible for managing and distributing your assets according to your will. However, their actions can lead to conflict if your heirs feel their decisions are unfair or biased.

There may be disagreements over how your assets are handled, especially if the executor has personal relationships with any of your beneficiaries. In some cases, the executor may be accused of mismanagement or favouritism, causing tension among your family members.

To avoid this, you need to choose a trustworthy and impartial executor who will carry out the wishes of your will fairly and transparently.

To Create Clear Wills and Estate Plans, Contact Zenco

The best way to prevent any future inheritance disputes among your family members is to ensure you have created an airtight will. Our legal experts can guide you through the process of setting up your advance directives online.

At Zenco Legal, we aim to make legal services easily accessible to everyone. 

Whether you’re looking to appoint a Power of Attorney, write a will, or set up a trust, our legal professionals can offer you the support and guidance you need. We’ll help you ensure that you remain in control of your future.

For more information on our services, check out our guides or book an appointment now. 

Kate Lawrence LL.B